Windage is the distance right or left of the point of impact in relation to the intended target. If your shot pattern is hitting the left side of the bull's eye and your shotgun is equipped with an adjustable rear sight, move it opposite to the direction of the point of impact. Adjust the sight by using an adjustment tool if you have one handy. You can also make a scribe mark with a knife onto the rear sight ramp, if not marked, to give a better record of the adjustments as you make them.
Adjust the sight's elevation in relationship to the point of impact. The elevation refers to the space below or above the bull's eye on the target. Move the rear sight lower if the point of impact was higher on the target. Move the rear sight higher if the point of impact was low on the target. You can scribe a mark here when you fine tune to record the pattern movement. Remember go slowly.
Once you've shot a reasonably tight group of shots five or six times, re-adjust your sight if need be to get the best groupings for the shot pattern of your gun.
If you're using a scope, adjust the crosshairs in the direction indicated on the scope. If you're shooting low and left, turn the screws "up" and "right" the respective number of clicks. With a scope, the per-click graduation will usually be marked, i.e. 1/4" per click at 100 yards. Remember this will make it 1/8" at 50 yards, etc. Estimate the distance you're off and adjust accordingly.
Shoot another group of two or three like these turkey shoot targets. You can see how some of the shells open up but they are still on the card. Patterns can move while fine tuning sights
Re-adjust your sights depending on where you shot the groups in step 1 and 2.
Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, until you're on target. The point of impact will sometimes be noticeably different between 50 and 60 feet. Also the weather and shell brand can make your gun's pattern change. DO NOT make big changes after you are on target because another day or another shell and it could still be on target and make you a WINNER.