Turkey Shoot Target Holders

The best 6X6 turkey shoot target holders

We have checked with several turkey shoots to find the best holders for 6X6 turkey shoot targets, and how to make them. The system is simple. The card runners are usually 2 people. One collects the turkey shoot targets shot on the round. The other replaces the target for the tie or next round by pushing it on the 4 nails. Targets are numbered on the back with the shooters holder number and the round being shot. You have to be ready to number more incase there are a lot of ties. Turkey shoot targets are taken to the judge with the numbers down The judge then determines the ties or winner of the round. The holders elimate most all shots that might ricochet back on the shooters. These holders also eliminate target blow offs. If you have any questions on these steps call 804.339.2825

Illustration of custom made turkey shoot target holder

Supplies for each target holder

  • 8 pieces - No. 8 size concrete nails, 3" in length
  • 2 pieces - 3" square stock, 1/8" thick, cut to 2" high (allows nail points to stick out 1")
  • 1 piece - 1-3/4" wide flat steel bar, 1/4" thick, 16" in length
  • 1 piece - 2" angle steel, 1/8" thick, 9-1/2" long, with 2 holes drilled for bolting to pipe stand. This pipe can fit into a larger piece of pipe in the ground to make yardage changes, if you need to do that.
Aligning the target to the nails on target holder

Align the target over the holder

Be sure the holes made by the target holder nails are aligned with plenty of room for the target to be centered. Push the target on the top nails first. Now push the target onto the bottom nail points on the holder. Careful not to stick your fingers.

Illustration hands attaching target to nails on target holder

Check for the green light

Once your target is mounted check for the green light and the turkey shoot is on. After the target has been shot the light goes red, a signal that all shooters have shot. The card runners yell "CLEAR" then go out to carefully remove the turkey shoot targets and take them to be judged as a tie or a winner of that round.

Man using plastic barrel to muffle turkey shoot sound

Muffle the sound

Take plastic drums and cut holes to allow for alignment to the turkey shoot targets. Line the inside with insulation and hold it in place with chicken wire. This will cut down the noise and help protect the shooters ears.